Happy Easter to you! If you can eat chocolate then enjoy – for those dairy and soya free, I hope you’ve discovered Moo Free…they have a delicious range of scrummy chocolate for us chocoholics!!
One of my goals is to spread the word of where to buy allergy-free products from mainstream places in order to make life a little easier for those of us dealing with food allergies. Not only that, but to give a review of things we try and think others might be interested in, particularly if it is very yummy! When we find something that is SO delicious we’ll shout out loud and clear!
Increasingly and thankfully there are new products coming into the market all the time and it’s important to support these in order to spread the word and drive demand hopefully resulting in wider availability and lower prices.
To that end, I’ve just been making my son Ben a ‘Cocolate Banana’ and it occurred to me that not everyone will have found Asda’s ‘Dark Chocolate Spread’ which just happens te be free from dairy, gluten and soya. The allergy advice says, ‘May contain traces of nuts and milk’. However, Ben is extremely sensitive to milk – really really sensitive, and we’ve been buying this for at least 18months and he’s always been totally fine with it.
Although it says ‘Dark Chocolate Spread’, let me assure you that it tastes just like milk chocolate which is especially good for children who are devasted by not being able to have chocolate any more…
What a treat! It’s been a gorgeous weekend here with sunshine and clear blue skies bringing out the flowering spring bulbs in the garden. Tony’s been working all weekend, but the boys have all been in top spirits and have been outside more than they’ve been in – yay!
Matty and I made a batch of gluten, diary, egg and soya free biscuits and along with their friends, the boys had fun icing them. Have to say, there weren’t many left by this evening, but hey ho, I’ll just have to make more tomorrow.
Here are a few:
These biscuits are lovely and crunchy…and they stay that way in the tin. If you’d like to make them, here’s the recipe. You can substitute the ‘real’ ingredients where you like according to your particular mix of allergies!
7.5ozs plain gluten free flour
3ozs dairy free ‘butter’
3ozs light brown sugar
1/2 tsp gluten free baking powder
2 tbsp gluten free oats
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
Dairy free milk if needed to make a dough that sticks together
Enjoy! Let me know what you think if you bake them! We think they taste deliciously similar to digestives!